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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Things Tavin

A few things Tavin has been doing lately.

He tries to wear my shoes. I thought it was hilarious watching him try to walk with his foot poking through. I got a few photos.
See how his leg is? He is trying so hard.
He has tried to do this a few times now. I think he is smart for mimicking the dogs and understanding that this is how they get their water. Never the less no more dog bowl for Tavin.

He hugs his friends when they cry. Adorable.

He puts his toys in between the door and the shutters. I am always seeing new toys when I walk into our room.

I want him to stop growing so fast.

Happy Halloween

We had a great Halloween, Tavin has been festive all week in his little Halloween outfits.

This shirt is my favorite because I am a huge fan of Ghost Busters
We carved our Pumpkins on Sunday, It has been pretty warm here and we didn't want them to mold.
Mine is the "Tavin" pumpkin. I am so in love with my son. Tyler's is the ghost one.
Tavin and Marshall. Marshall joined us for a trick or treat adventure. Wow it is a lot of work to take them around. Tavin was totally hamming it up and all our neighbors spoiled him. We have great neighbors.
He kept looking in the mirror, I felt like he was thinking "why is there a monkey in the room?"

Its so hard to get a picture of a child who wont sit still so here are my best efforts.
Monkey love
Allison and Marshall, what a cute idea.
Tavin and Mommy. We were sad Tyler had school and couldn't join us.
Finally at the very end of the night he figured out how to pull his cap off. I had a great Halloween with my little man. I am excited for next year.