A few things Tavin has been doing lately.
He tries to wear my shoes. I thought it was hilarious watching him try to walk with his foot poking through. I got a few photos.
See how his leg is? He is trying so hard.
Tavin loves the dogs water bowl. He always dashes to it when we go outside. The other day I was right in the middle of a call (I work from home) I look over and he is playing in the bowl. I think "Ill just change his wet clothes, no biggy" He then proceeds to try and drink the water, like the dogs. I know gross. But hysterical.
He has tried to do this a few times now. I think he is smart for mimicking the dogs and understanding that this is how they get their water. Never the less no more dog bowl for Tavin.
He hugs his friends when they cry. Adorable.
He puts his toys in between the door and the shutters. I am always seeing new toys when I walk into our room.
I want him to stop growing so fast.