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Thursday, February 24, 2011

JW Tumblers

We had our first JW Tumblers class yesterday, and it was so much fun. If you have a JW Tumblers in your area you should check it out. I had no clue Tavin was even able to do so many of the things they did with him. He was laughing, smiling and flirting the whole time. I have to keep reminding my self he is only 4 months and is already so big. He is so strong and very good at sitting up, its from all the swimming, it has made him super strong and coordinated.

Look at the grip he has in this swing, it was cracking me up.
Big Flirt
Who would have thought he knew how to ride a rocking horse? We have this same thing in storage, well we are pulling it out because he loved it and rocked all by him self. (Im such a proud mommy)
He was fascinated by the little girl next to him.

Visit one if you have kids, they are a blast. Plus he slept so good after, its so worth it.