2. Same as the boundary respect thing: Do not do something or give my child something if I ask you not too. Not cool. You will ruin your privilege of being with my son because you can not respect Tyler and my wishes. We need people who support us on our parenting because he is our son so people need to be an extension of us, with the same rules.
3. Do not tell any one in my family they can't do something. So not cool and rude
4. Please dont be a huge idiot and give my 6 month old chocolate, yes someone did this. I told my boss she freaked out, i think she would have killed the person who did this if she was there. Like I said Idiot.
5. I will not use a binky or a leash for my child. Its ok if you do but just respect my choice. Everyone has their own way and some people can not respect this or think their way is the only right way .
6. A 4 week old can not be in a jogging Stroller, yes someone did this to Tavin (Hello he can not hold his own head up) . They will never babysit ever, do not care if he is 13 they will not have him alone.
7. I will never force my child to have a relationship with someone he doesn't want to. So if you have ruined it thats on you.
8. I think it is disgusting when people refer to their brothers or sisters as B**ch. Hello they are your family and are you educated with different words? No your an idiot thats right.
9. I hate when people cuss in front of Tavin, show some respect.
10. If any of these are out of line on my part let me know Jessica2044@yahoo.com I do not think I am perfect.