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Thursday, June 30, 2011

8 1/2 Months

Tavin Turned 8 Months on June 13th. I am so behind so we are doing an 81/2 month update.

Tavin loves his mommy and daddy more then anyone
He is crawling full speed everywhere
opens the draws and cabinet doors
Is now waving
gives high fives
Has signed "Milk" 1 time
When you ask "How big is Tavin?" He throws both arms up in the air as you answer "So Big!"
He is the best sleeper ever, goes to bed at 8 just lays right in his crib and falls asleep
Loves to eat everything and anything
Loves Dogs, he gets so excited when the dogs come in the room or when he hears them
He kisses himself in the mirror
Loves the bath tub
Has 2 teeth on the bottom and we had no problem when the second tooth came in, What a champ
Takes all the magnets off the refrigerator and pulls all the book off the bottom self
Is now wearing 9-12 month clothes and is 20 pounds
He has a favorite blanket and snuggles his lamb when he is tierd
He is Pulling him self up and can stand on his own for about 5 seconds before falling to his bum
He rubs his eyes and ear when sleepy
Loves to shop, When I buy him things I let him pick which one. I will hold up 2 shirts and ask what do you like better? He always looks at both of them and then grabs one. I did this with a toys at the county fair and about 5 people stopped me and said "Wow I cant believe he picks his own" I want him to think for himself
Says dadada and mamama
He is trying to say "Dog"
Climbs on everything like a monkey

He is truthfully the perfect Baby, we couldn't be happier. We love you so much Tavin